function createWorkerHandler(inputHandle) { "use strict"; var worker = new Worker("scripts/worker.js"); var handle = localStorage.getItem("handle"); if (handle === null) { handle = "Anonymous"; localStorage.setItem("handle", handle); } inputHandle.value = handle; var connected = false; worker.postMessage({"cmd": "handle", "handle": handle}); showOverlay($("websocket-overlay")); function onConnected() { var excludedElements = document.getElementsByClassName("excluded-for-websocket"); for (var i = 0; i < excludedElements.length; i++) { excludedElements[i].style.display = "none"; } var includedElement = document.getElementsByClassName("included-for-websocket"); for (var i = 0; i < includedElement.length; i++) { includedElement[i].style.display = "block"; } title.setName(window.location.hostname); worker.postMessage({"cmd": "join", "handle": handle}); connected = true; } function onDisconnected() { if (connected === true) { alert("You were disconnected from the server, try refreshing the page to try again."); } else { hideOverlay($("websocket-overlay")); } connected = false; } function onImageData(columns, rows, data, iceColours, letterSpacing) { textArtCanvas.setImageData(columns, rows, data, iceColours, letterSpacing); hideOverlay($("websocket-overlay")); } function onChat(handle, text, showNotification) { chat.addConversation(handle, text, showNotification); } function onJoin(handle, sessionID, showNotification) { chat.join(handle, sessionID, showNotification); } function onPart(sessionID) { chat.part(sessionID); } function onNick(handle, sessionID, showNotification) { chat.nick(handle, sessionID, showNotification); } function onDraw(blocks) { textArtCanvas.quickDraw(blocks); } function onMessage(msg) { var data =; switch(data.cmd) { case "connected": onConnected(); break; case "disconnected": onDisconnected(); break; case "imageData": onImageData(data.columns, data.rows, new Uint16Array(, data.iceColours, data.letterSpacing); break; case "chat": onChat(data.handle, data.text, data.showNotification); break; case "join": onJoin(data.handle, data.sessionID, data.showNotification); break; case "part": onPart(data.sessionID); break; case "nick": onNick(data.handle, data.sessionID, data.showNotification); break; case "draw": onDraw(data.blocks); break; } } function draw(blocks) { worker.postMessage({"cmd": "draw", "blocks": blocks}); } function setHandle(newHandle) { if (handle !== newHandle) { handle = newHandle; localStorage.setItem("handle", handle); worker.postMessage({"cmd": "nick", "handle": handle}); } } function sendChat(text) { worker.postMessage({"cmd": "chat", "text": text}); } function isConnected() { return connected; } worker.addEventListener("message", onMessage); worker.postMessage({"cmd": "connect", "url": "ws://" + window.location.hostname + ":" + window.location.port + window.location.pathname}); return { "draw": draw, "setHandle": setHandle, "sendChat": sendChat, "isConnected": isConnected }; } function createChatController(divChatButton, divChatWindow, divMessageWindow, divUserList, inputHandle, inputMessage, inputNotificationCheckbox, onFocusCallback, onBlurCallback) { "use strict"; var enabled = false; var userList = {}; var notifications = localStorage.getItem("notifications"); if (notifications === null) { notifications = false; localStorage.setItem("notifications", notifications); } else { notifications = JSON.parse(notifications); } inputNotificationCheckbox.checked = notifications; function scrollToBottom() { var rect = divMessageWindow.getBoundingClientRect(); divMessageWindow.scrollTop = divMessageWindow.scrollHeight - rect.height; } function newNotification(text) { var notification = new Notification(title.getName() + " - ANSiEdit", { "body": text, "icon": "../images/face.png" }); setTimeout(() => { notification.close(); }, 7000); } function addConversation(handle, text, showNotification) { var div = document.createElement("DIV"); var spanHandle = document.createElement("SPAN"); var spanSeperator = document.createElement("SPAN"); var spanText = document.createElement("SPAN"); spanHandle.textContent = handle; spanHandle.classList.add("handle"); spanSeperator.textContent = " "; spanText.textContent = text; div.appendChild(spanHandle); div.appendChild(spanSeperator); div.appendChild(spanText); var rect = divMessageWindow.getBoundingClientRect(); var doScroll = (rect.height > divMessageWindow.scrollHeight) || (divMessageWindow.scrollTop === divMessageWindow.scrollHeight - rect.height); divMessageWindow.appendChild(div); if (doScroll) { scrollToBottom(); } if (showNotification === true && enabled === false && divChatButton.classList.contains("notification") === false) { divChatButton.classList.add("notification"); } } function onFocus() { onFocusCallback(); } function onBlur() { onBlurCallback(); } function blurHandle(evt) { if (inputHandle.value === "") { inputHandle.value = "Anonymous"; } worker.setHandle(inputHandle.value); } function keypressHandle(evt) { var keyCode = (evt.keyCode || evt.which); if (keyCode === 13) { inputMessage.focus(); } } function keypressMessage(evt) { var keyCode = (evt.keyCode || evt.which); if (keyCode === 13) { if (inputMessage.value !== "") { var text = inputMessage.value; inputMessage.value = ""; worker.sendChat(text); } } } inputHandle.addEventListener("focus", onFocus); inputHandle.addEventListener("blur", onBlur); inputMessage.addEventListener("focus", onFocus); inputMessage.addEventListener("blur", onBlur); inputHandle.addEventListener("blur", blurHandle); inputHandle.addEventListener("keypress", keypressHandle); inputMessage.addEventListener("keypress", keypressMessage); function toggle() { if (enabled === true) { = "none"; enabled = false; onBlurCallback(); divChatButton.classList.remove("active"); } else { = "block"; enabled = true; scrollToBottom(); onFocusCallback(); inputMessage.focus(); divChatButton.classList.remove("notification"); divChatButton.classList.add("active"); } } function isEnabled() { return enabled; } function join(handle, sessionID, showNotification) { if (userList[sessionID] === undefined) { if (notifications === true && showNotification === true) { newNotification(handle + " has joined"); } userList[sessionID] = {"handle": handle, "div": document.createElement("DIV")}; userList[sessionID].div.classList.add("user-name"); userList[sessionID].div.textContent = handle; divUserList.appendChild(userList[sessionID].div); } } function nick(handle, sessionID, showNotification) { if (userList[sessionID] !== undefined) { if (showNotification === true && notifications === true) { newNotification(userList[sessionID].handle + " has changed their name to " + handle); } userList[sessionID].handle = handle; userList[sessionID].div.textContent = handle; } } function part(sessionID) { if (userList[sessionID] !== undefined) { if (notifications === true) { newNotification(userList[sessionID].handle + " has left"); } divUserList.removeChild(userList[sessionID].div); delete userList[sessionID]; } } function globalToggleKeydown(evt) { var keyCode = (evt.keyCode || evt.which); if (keyCode === 27) { toggle(); } } function notificationCheckboxClicked(evt) { if (inputNotificationCheckbox.checked) { if (Notification.permission !== "granted") { Notification.requestPermission((permission) => { notifications = true; localStorage.setItem("notifications", notifications); }); } else { notifications = true; localStorage.setItem("notifications", notifications); } } else { notifications = false; localStorage.setItem("notifications", notifications); } } document.addEventListener("keydown", globalToggleKeydown); inputNotificationCheckbox.addEventListener("click", notificationCheckboxClicked); return { "addConversation": addConversation, "toggle": toggle, "isEnabled": isEnabled, "join": join, "nick": nick, "part": part }; }