figlet fonts

my collection of figlet / toilet fonts

figlet fonts


flf2a$ 6 6 30 0 22
Explanation of first line:                            *** GoofY 0.1 ***
flf2a - necessary stuff to identify the kind of file
$     - the "hardblank" -- prints as a blank, but can't be smushed
6     - height of a character
6     - height of a character, not including descenders
30    - max line length (excluding comment lines) + a fudge factor
0     - put characters together, no smushing or whatever, please!
22    - number of comment lines (starting with the 'Explanation' line)

Written by Steven <GoofY> de Brouwer (
Based on the stupid reaction from people to watch the 'foreground-objects' 
first (it's a kind of goofy, isn't it? :) 
This font is NOT designed to be used for clear, long text!
Therefore lower-case is equal to UPPER-case!
   ____       _____     _____     ___        ___   __   _____ 
  /    )  ____)    )   (     )   (   \    ___) (  (  )  )    )
 (    /  /  __    /   (_\   /     \   |  (__    \  \/  /    / 
  )  (  (  (  \  (       ) ( _     )  |   __)    \    /    (  
 /    \  \__)  )  \     /   \ )   /   |  (        )  /      ) 
(______)      (____)   (_____)   (___/    \______/  (______/  

*** Use the % for a double-o (oo), and the {} as begin- and end-markers! ***


raw zip tar