#!/bin/bash # ██ # ██ ██ ░██ # ░░██ ██ ██████ ███████ ░██ ██ # ░░███ ░░░░░░██ ░░██░░░██░██ ██ # ░██ ███████ ░██ ░██░████ # ██ ██░░░░██ ░██ ░██░██░██ # ██ ░░████████ ███ ░██░██░░██ # ░░ ░░░░░░░░ ░░░ ░░ ░░ ░░ # # henious edit of an osc52 clipboard script by samoshkin # https://github.com/samoshkin/tmux-config/blob/master/tmux/yank.sh # this version tries to push to every clipboard it possible can xD # cc0 mmxxiii xero (https://x-e.ro | https://git.io/.files) set -eu shopt -s extglob # get data either from stdin or from a file buf=$(cat -- "$@") # bin test installed() { type "$1" &>/dev/null } # check for local clipboards copy_backend="" if installed pbcopy; then copy_backend="pbcopy" elif installed reattach-to-user-namespace; then copy_backend="reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy" elif [ -n "${DISPLAY-}" ] && installed xsel; then copy_backend="xsel -i" elif [ -n "${DISPLAY-}" ] && installed xclip; then copy_backend="xclip -i -f -selection primary | xclip -i -selection clipboard" elif [ -n "${copy_backend_remote_tunnel_port-}" ] && [ "$(ss -n -4 state listening "( sport = $copy_backend_remote_tunnel_port )" | tail -n +2 | wc -l)" -eq 1 ]; then copy_backend="nc localhost $copy_backend_remote_tunnel_port" fi # if copy backend is resolved, copy to local clipboard [ -n "$copy_backend" ] && printf "%b" "$buf" | eval "$copy_backend" # copy via OSC 52 ANSI escape sequence to controlling terminal # https://sunaku.github.io/tmux-yank-osc52.html # The maximum length of an OSC 52 escape sequence is 100_000 bytes, of which # 7 bytes are occupied by a "\033]52;c;" header, 1 byte by a "\a" footer, and # 99_992 bytes by the base64-encoded result of 74_994 bytes of copyable text maxlen=74994 buflen=$(printf %s "$buf" | wc -c) # warn if exceeds max if [ "$buflen" -gt "$maxlen" ]; then printf "input is %d bytes too long, rip" "$((buflen - maxlen))" >&2 fi # build OSC 52 ANSI escape sequence esc="\033]52;c;$(printf "%b" "$buf" | head -c $maxlen | base64 | tr -d '\r\n')\a" # sent directly to the ssh tty (requires root?) [ -n "$SSH_TTY" ] && (printf "%b" "$esc" > "$SSH_TTY") &>/dev/null # multiplexin? update the eascape sequence if (tmux has-session 2>/dev/null); then esc="\033Ptmux;\033$esc\033\\" # send to all terminals \o/ for pts in /dev/pts/[0-9]; do printf "%b" "$esc" >"$pts" done else # print that shiz raw printf "%b" "$esc" fi