#!/bin/bash # pb; command line pastebin service helper # {kopimi,CC0} MMXVIII-MMXXIV . syntax samurai # ▟▙ # ▟▒░░░░░░░▜▙▜████████████████████████████████▛ # ▜▒░░░░░░░▟▛▟▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▛ # ▜▛ # authors: # xero # stark # code: # https://code.x-e.ro/pb # https://git.io/pb.sh # greetz: # all the ops of these great free services <3 usage() { cat < [file|stream] services: 0x0.st, catbox.moe, clbin.com, iotek.org, ix.io, pastebin.com, temp.sh, uguu.se environment variables: UA: user-agent string (defaults to some chrome one) envs for pastebin.com: PB_API_DEV: developer api key [required] https://pastebin.com/api#1 PB_API_USR: user api key [optional] https://pastebin.com/api#8 PRIVACY: paste visibility [optional] valid values: public|0, unlisted|1, private|2 ANON: paste w/o a user key even if defined [optional] examples: pb 0x0 ~/.vimrc pb clbin <(ps aux) dmesg | pb iop PB_API_DEV=XXXX PRIVACY=0 pb pb /tmp/leak.txt UA="Mozilla/5.0 (PlayStation 4 5.55) AppleWebKit/601.2" pb uguu waifu.jpg EOF exit 0 } ARG="${2:-/dev/stdin}" UA=${UA:="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.157 Safari/537.36"} case $1 in temp | tmp | temp.sh) curl -A "$UA" -sF 'file=@-' https://temp.sh/upload <"$ARG" ;; ix | ix.io) curl -A "$UA" -sF 'f:1=<-' http://ix.io <"$ARG" ;; 0x0 | null | nullbyte | 0*) curl -A "$UA" -sF 'file=@-' https://0x0.st <"$ARG" ;; iotek | iopaste | p.iotek.org | iop*) curl -A "$UA" -sT- https://p.iotek.org <"$ARG" ;; clbin | clbin.com | cl*) curl -A "$UA" -sF 'clbin=<-' https://clbin.com <"$ARG" ;; uguu | uguu.se | u*) curl -A "$UA" -sF 'files[]=@-' https://uguu.se/upload?output=text <"$ARG" ;; catbox | catbox.moe | cat*) curl -A "$UA" -sF 'reqtype=fileupload' -F 'fileToUpload=@-' https://catbox.moe/user/api.php <"$ARG" ;; lewd | lewd.se | l*) curl -A "$UA" -sF 'file=@-' https://lewd.se/api.php?d=upload-tool <"$ARG" ;; pb | pastebin | pastebin.com) [[ -z ${PB_API_DEV} ]] && usage PRIVACY="${PRIVACY:-1}" if [ -n "${PRIVACY}" ]; then case ${PRIVACY} in public | 0) PRIVACY=0 ;; unlisted | 1) PRIVACY=1 ;; private | 2) PRIVACY=2 ;; *) usage ;; esac fi qs="api_option=paste&api_dev_key=${PB_API_DEV}&api_paste_expire_date=N&api_paste_private=${PRIVACY}&api_paste_name=$(basename ${ARG})" [[ -n ${PB_API_USR} ]] && [[ -z ${ANON} ]] && qs="${qs}&api_user_key=${PB_API_USR}" curl -A "$UA" -d "${qs}" --data-urlencode "api_paste_code=$(<"$ARG")" https://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php ;; *) usage ;; esac # vi:syntax=sh